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Welcome to JB by James Broyhill

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The JB by James Broyhill brand aims to partner with established consumer goods brands in the apparel, home, and lifestyle space that strive to connect with a customer who relates to an authentic story driven by heritage, tradition, and deep-seated roots.

“Paying homage to the past is equally as important to staying focused on the future."

-James Broyhill

Like those before him, James approaches his work with a creative eye and a hands on process. His lifestyle embodies a new generation of Southern born and raised gentlemen, who live adventurously, seeking out new, creative endeavors, and authentic connections. Whether it’s through his family's furniture legacy, unique style, or artisanal talents, James inspires others to be bold enough to be different, yet remain grounded in values. James’ lifestyle and surroundings personify the rooted heritage and character-rich life so many Americans now crave, where everyday is fully appreciated and authentically lived.


Creative, aspirational, and experienced - the JB by James Broyhill brand offers a full suite of lifestyle marketing services aimed at new product launches across several industries, specifically focused on the #home, #apparel, and #lifestyle sectors. We drive product awareness through marketing, advertising, and public relations, while creating an aspirational brand that resonates with today’s global customers.

A marketing partnership with us is not limited to a well-known name. We invite you to learn more about our capabilities by exploring our website and clicking on the CAPABILITIES button on our navigation bar.

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